

阿里云国际金融科技出海峰会完美收官,行业专家领袖及企业代表们纷纷畅言,分享真知灼见,通过生动的案例和故事探讨了在金融出海领域合规的重要性及做好本土化的必要性,揭示了金融行业 AI 和技术保障发挥的重要价值。随着讨论的深入,参与者们进一步挖掘了在全球化浪潮中,金融科技企业如何乘风破浪,既抓住机遇又规避风险的策略。行业分析师通过详实的数据分析,揭示了 AI 和算力对金融行业的助力,企业家代表们则纷纷提醒大家合规的不可轻视性,在出海过程中一定要守好底线。

The Alibaba Cloud International Fintech Summit wrapped up effectively with key players from the industry engaging in important discussions about complying with regulations and adapting to local markets when expanding finance businesses internationally. AI and tech support were emphasized as critical factors. Attendees considered strategies for fintechs to thrive globally, balancing seizing opportunities and avoiding risks. Data shown by analysts revealed AI’s and computing’s benefits to finance. Vice Chairman and Financial Services Industry Leader of Deloitte China, Wu Weijun highlighted the essential need for compliance in global growth using a metaphorical story.


Next, let us listen to the insights of industry pioneers

Selina Yuan, Vice President of Alibaba Group, President of Alibaba Cloud International

阿里巴巴集团副总裁,阿里云国际事业部总裁 袁千:


Alibaba Cloud’s globalization journey goes beyond the worldwide expansion of the infrastructure. It is rooted in years of service to local customers, a deep understanding of their practical needs, and an intimate knowledge of market dynamics. Alibaba Cloud is poised to empower Chinese enterprieses to thrive in the global landscape.

David Wu, Vice Chairman and Financial Services Industry Leader of Deloitte China

德勤中国副主席、金融服务业主管合伙人 吴卫军:


“守底线、补短板、谋长远” ,从“形式合规”转变为“合规为本”,从“文化融合”到“文化契合”,从“短期绩效”到“长期价值”。

From the perspective of fintech’s tangible forms, Alibaba Cloud essentially provides every one of its customers, individuals or businesses, with the function to open a payment account. The presence of fintech has greatly improved transaction efficiency, which represents the most inclusive form of finance.

“Keep the bottom line, fill in the gaps, and pursue the long term”, shift from “Formal Compliance” to “Compliance-based”, from “Cultural Integration” to “Cultural Fit”, from “Short-term Performance” to “Long-term Value”

Vakee Lai, Founder and CEO of RockFlow

RockFlow 创始人及CEO 赖蕴琦:


Through an AI-native investment and financial management platform, we can integrate investing into everyday life and provide users with the ultimate personalized experience. Financial services represent the ideal scenario for AI integration. By meeting regulatory requirements, financial expansion overseas becomes the most promising opportunity with the greatest potential for scalability.

Zunlei Xiao, Chief Scientist of Rong360

融360首席科学家 肖尊雷:


Alibaba Cloud has excellent resource elasticity features, ensuring that when encountering high concurrent business peaks, it can immediately provide sufficient computing power while effectively controlling cost expenditures. According to our practical application experience, this solution can significantly save about 50% of computing power costs, and the benefits are very significant.

Garry Sien, Chief SA of Global Financial Services Solutions, Alibaba Cloud International

阿里云国际事业部金融解决方案首席架构师 冼卓贤:


In all the solutions we provide, we will always put risk control first, not only for our own business, but also for our customers and our partners.

William Xiong, Vice President of Alibaba Cloud International, General Manager of Industry Solutions

阿里云国际事业部行业解决方案总经理 熊务真:

SuperApp 2.0 对我们来说,它远超一个简单的技术平台,更多的是一种生态,在这个体系下,我们可以让商家通过小程序开发平台快速开发小程序,完善SuperApp的场景丰富度;让ISV合作伙伴通过小程序开发平台和应用开放平台提供垂直解决方案(如餐饮类,商城类,生活缴费,智能出行等)和业务组件(如EKYC、AML、风控等)加强SuperApp开箱即用的能力,同时满足本地监管和本地客户体验诉求,助力金融客户出海落地和业务快速拓展。

SuperApp 2.0 is more than a tech platform – it’s a living ecosystem that brings diverse features together. Here, merchants can quickly build mini-programs using our specialized platform, making the SuperApp even more versatile. Our ISV partners get to use both the mini-program and app development platforms to create industry-specific solutions, plus essential business features like EKYC, AML etc. This makes the SuperApp ready to use right away, meeting local rules and user needs perfectly. It’s a game changer for finance companies going global, smoothing their path into new markets and turbocharging their growth.

William Yao, ZOLOZ CTO

蚂蚁安全科技技术部(ZOLOZ)CTO 姚伟斌:

阿里云显著的优势在于其深度融入并适应不同地区的金融生态,尤其是对当地监管环境的精准把握。面对全球各国家和地区日益严格的 数据安全法规与个人隐私保护要求,如数据不得跨境传输等规定,阿里云展现了前瞻性的合规策略。

Alibaba Cloud’s significant advantage lies in its deep integration into and adaptability to the financial ecology of different regions, especially its precise grasp of the local regulatory environment. In the face of increasingly stringent data security regulations and personal privacy protection requirements in various countries and regions around the world, such as regulations such as the prohibition of cross-border transmission of data, Alibaba Cloud has demonstrated a forward-looking compliance strategy.

Bridge Song, Vice President of Alibaba Cloud International

阿里云国际事业部副总裁 宋瑛桥:


The Alibaba Cloud Go Global Fintech Committee was established with the vision of uniting providers spanning various industries and regions under one umbrella, thereby creating a holistic service platform. Our paramount objective is to furnish businesses embarking on their international endeavors with exhaustive product solutions and services, thereby empowering them to venture onto the global stage with confidence and pave their path to international success.

Tan Liang, Deloitte China Chief Growth Officer

德勤中国首席业务增长官 谈亮:


Deloitte China Chief Growth Officer Mr. Tan Liang, underscored three key points for Fintech companies expanding overseas: entrepreneurial spirit, technical support, and risk management and compliance. He offered that Deloitte, as a leading global professional services organization, will assist Chinese enterprises in securely and robustly expanding into international markets from a perspective that combines global resources and humanistic care, facilitating sustainable growth.



Finally, with the formal establishment of Alibaba Cloud Go Global Fintech Committee, the conference was pushed to the next climax. By creating a one-stop service platform, Alibaba Cloud hopes to provide a full range of product solutions and services for overseas companies, helping more companies to go !


北京海致星图科技有限公司CEO 杨娟

神策数据副总裁 杨岚钦

高阳寰球COO及副总裁 瞿康明

德勤中国首席业务增长官 谈亮

蚂蚁安全科技技术部CTO 姚伟斌

阿里云智能国际事业部副总裁 宋瑛桥

邓白氏中国区业务副总裁兼大客户管理部总经理 徐仁卿

AI Rudder副总裁,全球销售和客户成功负责人成佳弘

Smartdeer 全球招聘负责人 刘建彬

靖亚资本合伙人 骆银银



AI Rudder副总裁,全球销售和客户成功负责人总结了八个字:生态共荣,携手共赢。选择和信任稳定可靠的合作伙伴,会大大加速企业在业务推进过程中的稳定性和长期发展。




As the moderator of the roundtable, Tan Liang, Deloitte China Chief Growth Officer stated: “Deloitte and Alibaba Cloud have been global strategic partners for years, with successful collaborations in digital transformation, supply chain optimization, and building the industrial internet ecosystem. Deloitte also has dedicated expertise in supporting Chinese enterprises’ global expansion, providing one-stop, comprehensive services to facilitate the integration of Chinese businesses into the global market.”

AI Rudder Vice President, Head of Global Sales & Customer Success, Bianca summarized her speech into eight words: “Mutual prosperity and collaborative success.” Partnering with and trusting a stable and reliable collaborator can significantly accelerate a company’s stability and long-term growth during business advancement.

Partner and CPO of Fintopia Group, Xudong Jia emphasized the importance of understanding the user habits and local regulatory policies of other countries, advocating not just for globalization but also for localization.

Min Xu, Data Analytics and Risk Management Lead of 6Estates mentioned that AI in fintech should form a productive force, not just be seen as a chat tool. It is the creation of productive AI that can aid the entire fintech industry in expanding globally.

Partner of Eminence Ventures, Laven Luo offered two pieces of advice. First, entrepreneurs in the fintech field should believe in the power of product technology. Second, embrace AI and let it run through your product’s veins; it can truly enhance the strength of the product, maximizing its value and serving more customers.


We wish every financial entrepreneur success in Go Global journey.

The Voices Of Our Customers


Finally, let’s listen to the voices of our customers!
